
Thursday, September 17, 2009

agency agreements

I've been feeling a bit up at arms lately concerning agency agreements. It seems to me that there is a huge amount of misunderstanding out there about them. I found a great, great post about this at Rachelle Gardner's blog:

Please read it for your own protection. Most agency agreements protect the agent, not you, and you can end up agreeing to pay the agent commission even if the agent doesn't sell your book.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

internship update

We have received so many fabulous responses that I'm closing the application process. Thanks so much to everyone and I'll be responding to all of the applicants very soon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Happy back to work day!

Even with three interns working very hard, we are still way behind reading queries. Does anyone want to help out? We have a lot of fun and do conference calls together to catch up and talk about the industry.

If so, send me a resume and a letter telling me what you like to read. Publishing background a plus, but certainly not required and I welcome hearing from everyone--particularly people who
want to transition into the industry. Oh, and send me a list of your most recent and favorite reads.

Update, in response to a recent comment: stay-at-home mothers are more than welcome to apply!

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