
Friday, September 30, 2016

TBA Monthly Wishlist - October 2016

It's time again for the Monthly Wishlist! Here's the project that each TBA agent would love to see in their submission inbox. If you have something that fits with the below, please check out our submission guidelines and send it over. We can't wait to read!

I want high concept, emotional women’s fiction and exciting, edgy YA in any genre! - Jenny Bent

A fun YA romance that still has a hooky concept. I want to read about first love and romance; lots of kisses an added bonus. Think LOVE & GELATO, or LOVE, LIES & LEMON PIES - Gemma Cooper**

Dreaming about some cool non-fiction! All types. Extra points if it has a pop-culture focus or a unique format – Louise Fury**

Fresh Epic YA Fantasy set in a world I can feel on my skin, a nation who’s plight I would fight for, and an underdog protagonist that I would give my life to help - Heather Flaherty 

I’m still very interested in fantasy novels (for any age) with epic and/or intricate world-building. Think THE BOOK OF THREE by Lloyd Alexander, THE WRATH AND THE DAWN by Renee Adieh, the LOCKWOOD & Co. series by Jonathan Stroud, JONATHAN STRANGE & MR. NORRELL by Susanna Clarke, SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo, or THE MAGICIANS by Lev Grossman - Brooks Sherman**

I’m dying for a literary novel set during the thirteen-day span of the Cuban Missile Crisis in small town USA - Victoria Capello 

So many of the mother-daughter relationships that I see in YA are troubled, even toxic.  I’d love to see a YA novel that includes a complex, but ultimately positive, mother-daughter dynamic – Susan Hawk**

**Louise, Gemma, Susan and Brooks are currently closed to queries, but if you have something that matches this wishlist, please send and add #TBAwishlist to your subject header

Susan Hawk will be reopening to queries on 5th October 2016