It's time again for the Monthly Wishlist! Here's the ONE project that each TBA agent would love to see in their submission inbox. If you have something that fits with the below, please check out our submission guidelines and send it over. We can't wait to read!
Voice driven YA with an end of the world feeling romance - Gemma Cooper
I'd love, LOVE to find a YA contemporary with female MC, who's passionate about science, math, engineering, i.e. STEM - Susan Hawk
I’d love to see a middle-grade historical fantasy with a literary bent and a modern sensibility - Molly Ker Hawn
I would love, love, love a literary novel set in small town USA during the thirteen day span of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Victoria Lowes
Would love a YA contemporary or magical realism that features a big, strange family and close siblings. Offbeat and fun but also incredibly heartwarming. Could also go very dark with this. Bonus points if lyrical and you play with narrative structure - Beth Phelan