Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Deal Announcement: K.E. Ormsbee's magical middle-grade goes to Chronicle!

I'm so happy to share this bit of news with everyone! K.E. Ormsbee, the supremely talented author of THE WATER AND THE WILD (Chronicle, April 2015), has created yet another dazzling story which will be published by Chronicle in 2017. THE HOUSE IN POPLAR WOOD is a magical story of two young brothers that inherit a curse: lifelong service to Death and Memory. It's a lovely novel, with incredible characters and big imagination. Here's the announcement:

Middle grade 
K.E. Ormsbee's THE HOUSE IN POPLAR WOOD, about twin brothers cursed to serve as apprentices to Death and Memory, and a girl from town who asks for their help solving the murder of a local teen, to Melissa Manlove at Chronicle Children's, by Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency (World). 

K.E. Ormsbee is definitely one to watch. Now, please, let's all get on Twitter and congratulate her!

Follow at @Kathsby!

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