Sunday, March 24, 2013

TBA is looking for three new interns!

We are once again looking for remote (unpaid) interns, people who like to read books by authors like:

Tana French
Eleanor Brown
Jacqueline Sheehan
Jodi Picoult
Gillian Flynn
Lori Roy
Laurie Notaro
Celia Rivenbark
Elin Hilderbrand
Kristin Hannah
Jeannette Walls
Kate Atkinson

This is an eclectic list, so obviously you don't need to like everyone on it! But basically, you should like at least two of the following genres: humor, memoir, upmarket women's fiction and literary suspense.

You do not need to have any kind of publishing experience or even publishing aspirations. We are just looking for people who love books and love to read.  You do not need to live in New York, this is a remote internship.  Please note that it is unpaid.

Please send e-mail to Please put "generalist intern" in the subject line. Tell us why you want the internship, attach a resume if you have one although it's not essential, and list the last ten books you read and your ten favorite books.

Please do not apply if you are primarily a young adult/middle grade reader. It's fine if you do some of that, but we already have our young adult/middle grade specialists in place.

If you have applied in the past you are more than welcome to apply again.

We ask for at least a 10 hour a week time commitment.


  1. Hi there. Is there a set duration for the internship (ex. 6 months) or is it indefinite?

    1. Hi Kris, generally people do it for about a year. J.

    2. Jenny, when will you be notifying the interns you have selected?

  2. Hello. I'm wondering, if we are chosen as interns, when will we hear from the agency?


    - Andy

  3. Hi. When will you be notifying the interns you have selected?

    1. Hi Andy and Rebecca, we just posted this three days ago, and are sifting through the applications. We'll probably be contacting people to make it through to the next stage of the process sometime next week.

  4. Sure, go ahead and email us with your info.

  5. Hi! I sent my information per your request about three weeks ago and still haven't heard from you. Does that mean I'm not elegible for the internship?

    1. Hi Johana,
      If you haven't heard, it means you are still under consideration. Thanks!

  6. Hi Jenny. Can you tell me if you are still looking for interns or if, at this point, I should wait for a future opening to submit my interest? Thanks!

    1. Hi Erin, At this point you should wait, but I'm sure we will be looking again at some point soon[ish].
